Disclosure & Privacy Policy

Our Disclosure to you and privacy policy is part of our terms and conditions of using this website which is outlined below.

Advice: By using this site and submitting your details you agree not to use any information on this site as advice. The advice will come from a registered adviser based in New Zealand and is qualified to advise on the information you have supplied. The advice can be done via phone or face to face meeting. Any advice you receive from recommended advisers and/or agents are all registered advisers. All advisers disclosure documents and FSP numbers are stored on the site which you can view below.

Your information: We will not share or on-sell your data to another third party other than for the sole purpose of giving you advice from (the adviser) who will contact you via email or phone.

Age: You must be over the age of 18 to use this site.

Remuneration: The advisors on this site pay a fee to Fly Me High Limited to manage the content and website by way of a licence.  The advisers are paid via a commission from the insurance company.  How your insurance is structured may reflect on the insurer they decide to use. You do have the right to ask your adviser for their commission structure and how they are rewarded. You also have the right to obtain a copy of their disclosure statement, which will be provided free of charge.

Marketing: We may remarket to you via a cookie tracking code which is outlined in the Google advertising guidelines here. This includes Facebook advertising, which is outlined here. We may also communicate with you via email from time to time.

This website has done its best to ensure the content on this site is up to date and accurate. We do not give any warrants or guarantees on any claims made and shall not be held responsible for any damages or loss that may occur.

We are not an insurance company.

The information displayed from your assessment is not advice. The information displayed is a basic overview of what is ‘likely’ to be the best company to use based on the limited information provided. The adviser will contact you and structure your cover based on your situation. They will show you price comparisons and company comparisons.

The price guarantee: We will pay $200 in the form of a gift card should you find a better policy that has had separate advice and is proven to be better in both quality and price.

We will not pay out the price guarantee for group schemes, work-related offers or discounted offers (including cash backs) The price guarantee is based on a level playing field which consists of both quality of product and price. The policy quality will be based on QPR Data (independent data available to advisers) should there be a dispute. Our advisers like to play fair!


By submitting your details, you agree to an adviser calling you to obtain further information to enable them to give you a full statement of advice and recommendations on policy type and costs.

Website Ownership
This website is managed by Fly Me High Limited who issues a licence to occupy the website including the content on the website and any electronic communications. Those licence holders provide advice from enquiries that come via the website (via email, appointment or phone). There is a limited number of licence holders, and each holder must be a registered FSP. Current members are listed below:

Blake Sutton FSP418006 – Download Disclosure
Daniel Smithwood FSP245265 – Download Disclosure
Hayley Evans FSP321166 – Download Disclosure
Nicole Skewes FSP318606 – Download Disclosure
Craig Baldwin FSP79701
Grant Richardson FSP 546726
Alexander Haniotis FSP 158904
James Greene FSP 548766
Alison McKenzie FSP 737871
Emilie Petitdemange FSP 739531
Aditya Bhardwaj FSP 744211
Trevor Govender FSP 159024
Timothy Symons FSP 442547
Pierre Du Preez FSP 79444
Marco Fasano FSP 757231
Thomas Meates FSP 440326
Heino Rensburg FSP 484506
Wiremu Patrick FSP 745431
Kyle McElwain FSP 1000038
Bryce Wilson FSP 762652
Benn Robert Clemence FSP 757951
Matthew Paul Lewer FSP 380266
Luke Wainui FSP 393386
Mackenzie Stenning FSP 760192
Paul Stolworthy FSP 417547
Shaun Nicol FSP 272065
Mark Jones FSP 105083
Matthew Bowden FSP 774051

You can search these members here https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/

Any advice you receive will be from one of these registered advisers. The information supplied on this site has been authorised from the advisers listed above, which include the content, logos and all images.

Any content provided on this site should not be taken as advice until a full needs analysis is completed by your FSP.  Any phone calls made by or received by staff at Fly Me High Limited or this website should not be taken as advice.

Content and Articles provided has been approved by the licence holders (advisers)

Oct 2021